Monday, October 17, 2011

Clear Even in Present Danger: Honor Beyond the Uniform

2 Corinthians 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

Don’t ever forget where the battle rages! Don’t lose focus! Keep first things first – primacy as primacy! Yes, you are to be presentable but let HIS reputation precede you!

In the military, either in ceremony or special occasions to engage civilians, dress-white uniforms are worn. They are extra clean and even the buttons shine. They are the formal equivalent of the civilian tuxedo. I remember putting extra care into ironing them; however, should we head to combat our uniforms are different and far more functional - fatigues . You do not become a soldier, especially a soldier in battle by putting on dress-whites. You walk in dress-white but you do not war in them.

Similarly, we occupy our flesh as tabernacles for the HOLY SPIRIT. Yes…we ought to be pristine in obedience. Yes…we are to do what is necessary that we remain spotless and presentable; however, in combat against the power of sin, an iron, some bleach, some sit-ups and eating right will not do. No…cleanliness is not next to godliness, if you are trying to clean yourself up from sin. Also, trying to be too fly will undermine.  Only the Blood of JESUS can clean us from sin.

Our fatigues are the intercessory raiment and ephod that we wear to tirelessly get down in the dirt to help others receive CHRIST’s cleanliness unto spiritual military service themselves. Our battle uniform is service. Wear it well. We need training, first. We are not in battle to gratify the flesh or use sentimentality or sophistry to justify sin. We do not war after the flesh. …the word here is the Greek word strateuomai [pronounced strat-yoo'-om-ahee]. Yes…it has the same root as our word strategy. It literally means to serve in a military campaign; however, figuratively it implies to do the work of an apostle – to apostolate or train up church leaders to come after you.

Point blank, wearing our fatigues are putting on CHRIST and winning souls - not just to church but to CHRIST and discipleship. Propagation of the Gospel is our uniform. It fits those valiant in faith and dedicated to CHRIST’s rescue missions. When loving, humble, reverent, wise, adept, Sword-wielding soldiers of CHRIST not only dresses the part but characterizes the CHRIST, other will enlist. GOD is call for a few good men to disciple other men…It’s deeper than each one teach one. It is devotion to the One to herald the One to disciple another. There is so much opposition and so few soldiers. We are buglers trumpeting a clarion call and reveille to wake males to true manhood

It behooves us to continue the fight….know your target…love our GOD, first…and walk in CHRIST-likeness…

Don’t ever forget where the battle rages! Don’t lose focus! Keep first things first – primacy as primacy! Yes, you are to be presentable but let HIS reputation precede you!

I love YOU and I love you

Brother Jeremy A. Maynard

Monday, October 10, 2011

Clear Even in Present Danger: Striving for Mastery

2 Timothy 2:3-5 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  (4)  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.  (5)  And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.

Strive without strife! At the core of success is love. Do not be hard on others and easy on yourself. Instead be easier on others and harder on yourself. It requires training. What does striving for mastery mean? Striving for mastery is a single Greek word [athleo – where we get athlete from] which means to contend, compete or struggle to surmount or struggle to overcome. Striving is persevering to win despite strong opposition.

As soldiers of CHRIST our goal is to grow in CHRIST-likeness. At Christian Cultural Center, Pastor A. R. Bernard has taught us that our church is built on Four Timeless Fundamentals. The third one is A Relentless Drive for Progress. It is striving for mastery. It is pressing, training, practicing and exercising for the high calling of CHRIST. It is working out our salvation with reverence and strenuous effort with GOD in us willing and doing HIS good pleasure.

Note that we are to strive lawfully. Does this mean we strive to keep the law even though we are not under the law? Yes, the law that JESUS CHRIST gave us was to love GOD, others and our selves. It is a command and marching orders from our KING. We are to struggle to overcome our old nature and the social order in the boundaries of love. In our walk as soldiers, we should strive in many areas. There are three main of sanctifying basic training with love interwoven in the fabric of each [Doing all things through CHRIST who strengthens us]:

Consecration: [Strengthen Worship] – Loving GOD with All of Our Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength
Prayer – consistent daily dialogue [multiple times] with GOD strengthens faithful love via intimacy
Bible Study – consistent meditating (internalizing), note taking and memorizing scripture strengthens discernment, knowledge, wisdom and understanding
Observance and Observing Creation – in taking note, appreciation, learning of and superintending Creation around him, the soldier of CHRIST honors the CREATOR
Gift/Anointing –by practicing, perfecting and dedicating our gifts to GOD, worships HIM purposefully
Ministry [Strengthen Relationships] – Loving Our Neighbor
Family – in the home men of GOD are to be prophets, priests and kings. However, this is ascertained and maintained by modeling with humility, eagerness and consistency as disciple [a live in student of CHRIST and HIS prophecy], an usher [an intercessory servant of CHRIST our HIGH PRIEST] and a foot soldier/champions [the knightly hands and feet carrying out the orders of CHRIST our KING] with vision, care and protection…
Church – the soldier gains mastery as part of a larger Body. A soldier is part of an army and works together well with others to fellowship with purpose. He is accountable, gives, serves and encourages the vision of the collective and local church and its individual members to glorify GOD.
Marketplace and Society – the soldier of CHRIST is an earnest, efficient, proficient and diligent worker, biblical liaison, prayer warrior and a peacemaker above reproach at work and in the community…he is the loving Bible that others do not read and makes CHRIST attractive
           Using Gift – a soldier’s consecration and practice should equip him to use his gift to bless
Balance/Health [Maintenance of the Temple] – Loving Ourselves [with expert help]
Time – time management - proper scheduling creates and maintains balance. Have one calendar [as learned from Dr. A. R. Bernard]
Diet – Remember that your body is the temple of the HOLY SPIRIT. Eat a balanced healthy
            Exercise – improve and maintain circulation, muscle and organ function by exercising daily
Education – companies have a group called research and development to improve their business. Education is personal research and development to improve your life, value and relevancy
Creativity – when you are creative, you are most like GOD. Bless yourself and others with art and ingenuity
             Labor/Monetary – balance your profit, tithing, saving, checkbook, spending and giving

Brothers, strive in all areas to avoid strife in all areas

I love YOU and I love you

Brother Jeremy A. Maynard

Monday, September 12, 2011

Clear Even in Present Danger: Pleasing Our Commander

2 Timothy 2:3-5  Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  (4)  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.  (5)  And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.

It’s all about HIM. We are chosen by CHRIST to be soldiers. Our draft was a rescue. It was not a near death experience. It was a death, resurrection and ascension so we could experience life. So, our COMMANDER is also our hero. HE is worthy of being pleased. Remaining untangled in the ungodliness of other philosophies and proclivities is a testimony of faith. By reserving ourselves for duty, prepared to answer the call, we aim to please CHRIST as prostrate marksmen. Hebrews  11:6 says, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” So pleasing CHRIST is only possible by a faithful soldier. The faith-filled soldier operates in the realization that they are:

Commanded – It takes humility to truly obey. The soldier of CHRIST has a clear understanding of being in authority while under authority and operates in powerful and impactful humility. I am led to the Roman soldier who had a servant in need of healing (Luke 7:2-10). This soldier’s faith made JESUS marvel. The soldier of JESUS CHRIST’s loving trust in HIM leads to jaw-dropping obedience and love. JESUS is pleased. Authority grounded in love that is ultimately also giving a command to love should produce optimistic obedience and trust grounded in love. Humility is lived out when the authority of CHRIST is honored and pleased. We are commanded to reverent faith…

Commended – Awe and thanksgiving is the correct response to the realization of who CHRIST is. The soldier that said “truly this was the Son of GOD” was reacting to the instant climate change. He may not have been privy the exchange, when CHRIST said “into thy Hands I commend my spirit.” You see, in that exchange GOD we received an undeserved commendation. In Romans 5 it is explained even better.

Romans 5:7-8  For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.  (8)  But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Commend means to praise formally and introduce as suitable for acceptance or approval. The SON willingly commended HIS Spirit and in so the FATHER commended HIS Love toward us. In so, we who are unacceptable were made acceptable. The only proper response to this is thanks…not that we could possibly ever be thankful enough because of how awesome Grace truly is…Soldiers should thankfully want to run through walls for the uncommon valor expressed in unmerited favor in CHRIST…We are commended to thankful faith

Commandeered – We are not our own. We are vehicles taken over and rerouted for official business – only civilian in appearance. The mission is to please HIM. We have been sealed and filled by the SPIRIT. Given this, the soldier of CHRIST is steward of his personhood but owned by GOD. Life only happens by HIS ownership and we are alive to please HIM. He operates God-consciously not self consciously. We realize it is really HIM pleasing HIMSELF…for is HIM in us both to will and to do HIS good pleasure. Commandeered vehicles head toward what others are evacuating from to see that others are brought to safety – to bear our crosses and follow our COMMANDER - JESUS. We are commandeered for HIS good pleasure…

Good character is simultaneously a prayer and a salute. Loving HIM is to do as HE says and allowing HIM to do what HE does through us…that pleases HIM

I love YOU and I love you

Brother Jeremy A. Maynard

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Clear Even in Present Danger: Avoiding Worldly Entanglements

2 Timothy 2:3-5  Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  (4)  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.  (5)  And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.

““Hold everything in your hands lightly, otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open.” – Corrie Ten Boom

Avoid the barbwire. Entanglement is the way the snake crushes its prey. Paul is telling Timothy and us to primarily focus our concern on the things of GOD. Yes, you can be so earthly minded that you are no heavenly good too. Entanglements are nouns [people, places and things] wrapped around you in an apparently unorganized and uncomfortable fashion to inhibit mobility. They even make the attempt at movement painful. They cause stagnating confusion and suffocation. They are sticky situations subtly hidden in the dimly lit areas in our lives. Like a spider binds its prey to later suck the insides out of it, so too are those supposed warriors for CHRIST, who are wrapped up in doing other things and AWOL when a spiritual call of duty has occurred. This is nappy unmanageable living. When things are out of order it is difficult to follow orders.

Some entanglements are out of order relationships or soul ties. Some entanglements are unhealthy or ungodly habits. Some are covetous desires or idols. Many of them are planted traps in what seem like meaningful opportunities. Others are what are called right or rights in the world that have long term ramifications on a soldier of JESUS. Note that, often, things with too many strings attached have Satan as a puppeteer. Discernment, which is active, alert and humble communication with the HOLY SPIRIT will help you read the fine print of any opportunity.

Note that the verse is admonishing against self-inflicted entanglement. Soldiers do not farm during war. As soldiers of JESUS CHRIST we must remain as unencumbered and focused as possible. 

What are ways for soldiers of CHRIST to comb out nappy entanglements before they can inhibit your walk?

1)      Camouflage [Guarded Transparency] – be clear about who you are and whose you are. Know the boundaries of all relationships and the wisdom of GOD that maintain them
2)      Strategize [Streamline and Simplify] –organize your life around peace. Do not over commit. Schedule and save.
3)      Night Vision [Let Your Eye Be Single] – pray and study the Word. Meditate. Heed the leanings of the HOLY SPIRIT. Be mindful that your worldview and life correspond
4)      Intel [Wise Counsel] – accountable mentors and relationships will help guard against myopic foolishness
5)    Crawl Beneath the Barbwire - Humility allows for greater stealth, health and victory

The best offense is a great defense and no defense is offensive...

I love YOU and I love you

Let me know what you think...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Clear Even in Present Danger: Enduring Hardness

This is a continuation of last week’s post, further breaking down the given text and dealing with one verse at a time.

(2 Timothy 2:3)  Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

In 490 B.C. Athenian soldier, Pheidippides, ran 25 miles in armor in a few hours to shout Niki [which means victory] after a battle in a town named Marathon. Victory in the long run is worthy of the long run….no matter the terrain or the burden. War is ugly but victory is ours.
The ugliness of spiritual war for the soldier of Christ is seen in the viciousness of our opposition during trials. Yes we are new creatures in the armor of GOD but there will be hardness or hardships. Monkey wrenches will get thrown in our expectations by the enemy and persecution will come. Our relationships, witness and all that is stewarded is at stake.

The difficulty for the most part of our trials often is in our response. The expectation seems counter-intuitive and against our base instincts. The posture is defensive and offensive. The response to attack is not retaliation. The response is not one-upsmanship, primal screams and emotionally lashing out. The response prescribed is love reinforced by endurance [wise efficient steadfast long-suffering kindness]. Hold your position soldier. To be a good soldier, we must endure. We need a plan…a strategy. The flesh is the wrong response to things getting under your skin. Also, self-defensive prosecution is the wrong response to persecution. So, what is endurance? What does it mean to endure?

The Greek word kakopatheo means to endure evil, troubles, affliction and hardships [Strong and Thayer]
The Modern Meaning of the Endurance:

We often say we are ‘going through’ during trials but the history of the word endure show that to endure means to be “in during”. We are ‘in during’ when we are enduring. Christian soldiers who are under attack must realize we are safely “in” CHRIST “during” the trials and greater is HE who is in us than he that is in the world. Some problems are long term thorns in our sides like Paul’s; however, longsuffering is a fruit of the SPIRIT. You are not enduring alone. HE is loyal; therefore, true endurance is a combination of loyalty and fitness which comes from preparation. We are fit by CHRIST alone.

What do we need to do build endurance?
Dedication to Basic Training – sets of daily prayer and laps of Bible study build up a reservoir of strengthening revelation. Consistently go into the hyperbaric chamber of HIS righteousness to build your will and decision making to optimal health [2 Timothy 2:15]
Consistent Debriefing of Veterans [Parents/Mentors/Elders] – take note of the attacks and victories already experienced of those that came before you to appreciate what could happen. A Blood and testimony strategy is where adept knowledge of history in the SPIRIT leads to victory. [Revelations 12:11]
Strengthen Your Upper Body [Daily Lift HIM Up in Praise and Thanksgiving] – The mentality of thanks-as- your-living or as my mentor says ‘thanks-living’ will help you grow in power love and soundness of mind. So, during dire situations, victory is seen more vividly on the horizon
Learn From the Smaller Skirmishes – GOD has brought you through countless times before. This is a trust fund. The more victories you are thankful for the more you will trust HIM when something big and longlasting occurs
Endure for JESUS

Ellington J. Maynard, my soon to be thirteen year old says that “we should work through all of the trials and tribulations we go through to worship and glorify GOD. Some aspects of a good soldier are bravery, commitment, obedience, discipline, being fit and uniformity”…wow, that’s a mouthful.

Yes, I too am enduring at this time. However, hearing what my son has to say, I say Niki! Niki! Victory in JESUS…

I love YOU and I love you

Brother Jeremy A. Maynard

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Clear Even in Present Danger

2 Timothy 2:3-5
(3)  Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
(4)  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
(5)  And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.

Believers…Soldiers, our marching orders are to go and make disciples of all nations. We are commissioned and commanded to lovingly charge hills and plant flags. We are given information to remain in formation. We see today in the toughness of our times there is a real threat of danger…physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and even relational. However, unlike many of the admonitions for the man of GOD to flee, here we are told to endure. We are to be entrenched aka planted and upright during hard times. In the midst of the volleys of fiery projectiles of the enemy, we are to hold our position for the Glory of GOD. Paul wrote this to his disciple Timothy from jail to not only give him best practices. Paul was giving him the rules of engagement. He is saying this is posture is to be assumed when taking on heavy resistance. Soldiers need to:

1)      Stay Focused/Alert/Aware – It is so easy to miss the main point during stressful situations. Good things can distract you from righteous things. Pledge allegiance to the [singular] flag, which is YHWH [JEHOVAH] NISSI – GOD our Banner. Be intentional about staying in step multiple times daily. That means pray, study and share the WORD as led appropriately and often.

2)      Aim to Be Pleasing to CHRIST – in tough times, it helps to know that JESUS is there with you. It is simultaneously comforting and a governor that keep you in line. The awareness of HIS presence can help tailor your responses to difficult situations real-time. Stay submitted. Prostrate is the position of the marksman.

3)      Operate in the Lawful Spirit of Excellence – do not cheapen Grace or your witness by taking lawless shortcuts.  We establish the law in HIS full armor with un-carnal weapons. Winning at all costs is too expensive a toll when you lose your soul in the process. Uncommon valor is rewarded with more than a medal. The reward is an incorruptible crown.

Let me know what you think. Let’s discuss…

I love YOU and I love you

Brother Jeremy A. Maynard