Monday, October 10, 2011

Clear Even in Present Danger: Striving for Mastery

2 Timothy 2:3-5 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  (4)  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.  (5)  And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.

Strive without strife! At the core of success is love. Do not be hard on others and easy on yourself. Instead be easier on others and harder on yourself. It requires training. What does striving for mastery mean? Striving for mastery is a single Greek word [athleo – where we get athlete from] which means to contend, compete or struggle to surmount or struggle to overcome. Striving is persevering to win despite strong opposition.

As soldiers of CHRIST our goal is to grow in CHRIST-likeness. At Christian Cultural Center, Pastor A. R. Bernard has taught us that our church is built on Four Timeless Fundamentals. The third one is A Relentless Drive for Progress. It is striving for mastery. It is pressing, training, practicing and exercising for the high calling of CHRIST. It is working out our salvation with reverence and strenuous effort with GOD in us willing and doing HIS good pleasure.

Note that we are to strive lawfully. Does this mean we strive to keep the law even though we are not under the law? Yes, the law that JESUS CHRIST gave us was to love GOD, others and our selves. It is a command and marching orders from our KING. We are to struggle to overcome our old nature and the social order in the boundaries of love. In our walk as soldiers, we should strive in many areas. There are three main of sanctifying basic training with love interwoven in the fabric of each [Doing all things through CHRIST who strengthens us]:

Consecration: [Strengthen Worship] – Loving GOD with All of Our Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength
Prayer – consistent daily dialogue [multiple times] with GOD strengthens faithful love via intimacy
Bible Study – consistent meditating (internalizing), note taking and memorizing scripture strengthens discernment, knowledge, wisdom and understanding
Observance and Observing Creation – in taking note, appreciation, learning of and superintending Creation around him, the soldier of CHRIST honors the CREATOR
Gift/Anointing –by practicing, perfecting and dedicating our gifts to GOD, worships HIM purposefully
Ministry [Strengthen Relationships] – Loving Our Neighbor
Family – in the home men of GOD are to be prophets, priests and kings. However, this is ascertained and maintained by modeling with humility, eagerness and consistency as disciple [a live in student of CHRIST and HIS prophecy], an usher [an intercessory servant of CHRIST our HIGH PRIEST] and a foot soldier/champions [the knightly hands and feet carrying out the orders of CHRIST our KING] with vision, care and protection…
Church – the soldier gains mastery as part of a larger Body. A soldier is part of an army and works together well with others to fellowship with purpose. He is accountable, gives, serves and encourages the vision of the collective and local church and its individual members to glorify GOD.
Marketplace and Society – the soldier of CHRIST is an earnest, efficient, proficient and diligent worker, biblical liaison, prayer warrior and a peacemaker above reproach at work and in the community…he is the loving Bible that others do not read and makes CHRIST attractive
           Using Gift – a soldier’s consecration and practice should equip him to use his gift to bless
Balance/Health [Maintenance of the Temple] – Loving Ourselves [with expert help]
Time – time management - proper scheduling creates and maintains balance. Have one calendar [as learned from Dr. A. R. Bernard]
Diet – Remember that your body is the temple of the HOLY SPIRIT. Eat a balanced healthy
            Exercise – improve and maintain circulation, muscle and organ function by exercising daily
Education – companies have a group called research and development to improve their business. Education is personal research and development to improve your life, value and relevancy
Creativity – when you are creative, you are most like GOD. Bless yourself and others with art and ingenuity
             Labor/Monetary – balance your profit, tithing, saving, checkbook, spending and giving

Brothers, strive in all areas to avoid strife in all areas

I love YOU and I love you

Brother Jeremy A. Maynard


  1. Thank you my brother as I do diligence and meditate on this for a moment. Can't wait to chop it up on this one...LOL.

  2. Yeah L, I can't wait to discuss this either...I am recasting and refining my vision and schedule...
