2 Timothy 2:3-5 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. (4) No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. (5) And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.
““Hold everything in your hands lightly, otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open.” – Corrie Ten Boom
Avoid the barbwire. Entanglement is the way the snake crushes its prey. Paul is telling Timothy and us to primarily focus our concern on the things of GOD. Yes, you can be so earthly minded that you are no heavenly good too. Entanglements are nouns [people, places and things] wrapped around you in an apparently unorganized and uncomfortable fashion to inhibit mobility. They even make the attempt at movement painful. They cause stagnating confusion and suffocation. They are sticky situations subtly hidden in the dimly lit areas in our lives. Like a spider binds its prey to later suck the insides out of it, so too are those supposed warriors for CHRIST, who are wrapped up in doing other things and AWOL when a spiritual call of duty has occurred. This is nappy unmanageable living. When things are out of order it is difficult to follow orders.
Some entanglements are out of order relationships or soul ties. Some entanglements are unhealthy or ungodly habits. Some are covetous desires or idols. Many of them are planted traps in what seem like meaningful opportunities. Others are what are called right or rights in the world that have long term ramifications on a soldier of JESUS. Note that, often, things with too many strings attached have Satan as a puppeteer. Discernment, which is active, alert and humble communication with the HOLY SPIRIT will help you read the fine print of any opportunity.
Note that the verse is admonishing against self-inflicted entanglement. Soldiers do not farm during war. As soldiers of JESUS CHRIST we must remain as unencumbered and focused as possible.
What are ways for soldiers of CHRIST to comb out nappy entanglements before they can inhibit your walk?
1) Camouflage [Guarded Transparency] – be clear about who you are and whose you are. Know the boundaries of all relationships and the wisdom of GOD that maintain them
2) Strategize [Streamline and Simplify] –organize your life around peace. Do not over commit. Schedule and save.
3) Night Vision [Let Your Eye Be Single] – pray and study the Word. Meditate. Heed the leanings of the HOLY SPIRIT. Be mindful that your worldview and life correspond
4) Intel [Wise Counsel] – accountable mentors and relationships will help guard against myopic foolishness
5) Crawl Beneath the Barbwire - Humility allows for greater stealth, health and victory
The best offense is a great defense and no defense is offensive...
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2 Peter 3:1 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:
ReplyDeleteThanks JAM!!!!!
Mactohu, you are a blessing and an encouragement:)