Sunday, August 21, 2011

Clear Even in Present Danger: Enduring Hardness

This is a continuation of last week’s post, further breaking down the given text and dealing with one verse at a time.

(2 Timothy 2:3)  Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

In 490 B.C. Athenian soldier, Pheidippides, ran 25 miles in armor in a few hours to shout Niki [which means victory] after a battle in a town named Marathon. Victory in the long run is worthy of the long run….no matter the terrain or the burden. War is ugly but victory is ours.
The ugliness of spiritual war for the soldier of Christ is seen in the viciousness of our opposition during trials. Yes we are new creatures in the armor of GOD but there will be hardness or hardships. Monkey wrenches will get thrown in our expectations by the enemy and persecution will come. Our relationships, witness and all that is stewarded is at stake.

The difficulty for the most part of our trials often is in our response. The expectation seems counter-intuitive and against our base instincts. The posture is defensive and offensive. The response to attack is not retaliation. The response is not one-upsmanship, primal screams and emotionally lashing out. The response prescribed is love reinforced by endurance [wise efficient steadfast long-suffering kindness]. Hold your position soldier. To be a good soldier, we must endure. We need a plan…a strategy. The flesh is the wrong response to things getting under your skin. Also, self-defensive prosecution is the wrong response to persecution. So, what is endurance? What does it mean to endure?

The Greek word kakopatheo means to endure evil, troubles, affliction and hardships [Strong and Thayer]
The Modern Meaning of the Endurance:

We often say we are ‘going through’ during trials but the history of the word endure show that to endure means to be “in during”. We are ‘in during’ when we are enduring. Christian soldiers who are under attack must realize we are safely “in” CHRIST “during” the trials and greater is HE who is in us than he that is in the world. Some problems are long term thorns in our sides like Paul’s; however, longsuffering is a fruit of the SPIRIT. You are not enduring alone. HE is loyal; therefore, true endurance is a combination of loyalty and fitness which comes from preparation. We are fit by CHRIST alone.

What do we need to do build endurance?
Dedication to Basic Training – sets of daily prayer and laps of Bible study build up a reservoir of strengthening revelation. Consistently go into the hyperbaric chamber of HIS righteousness to build your will and decision making to optimal health [2 Timothy 2:15]
Consistent Debriefing of Veterans [Parents/Mentors/Elders] – take note of the attacks and victories already experienced of those that came before you to appreciate what could happen. A Blood and testimony strategy is where adept knowledge of history in the SPIRIT leads to victory. [Revelations 12:11]
Strengthen Your Upper Body [Daily Lift HIM Up in Praise and Thanksgiving] – The mentality of thanks-as- your-living or as my mentor says ‘thanks-living’ will help you grow in power love and soundness of mind. So, during dire situations, victory is seen more vividly on the horizon
Learn From the Smaller Skirmishes – GOD has brought you through countless times before. This is a trust fund. The more victories you are thankful for the more you will trust HIM when something big and longlasting occurs
Endure for JESUS

Ellington J. Maynard, my soon to be thirteen year old says that “we should work through all of the trials and tribulations we go through to worship and glorify GOD. Some aspects of a good soldier are bravery, commitment, obedience, discipline, being fit and uniformity”…wow, that’s a mouthful.

Yes, I too am enduring at this time. However, hearing what my son has to say, I say Niki! Niki! Victory in JESUS…

I love YOU and I love you

Brother Jeremy A. Maynard

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Clear Even in Present Danger

2 Timothy 2:3-5
(3)  Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
(4)  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
(5)  And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.

Believers…Soldiers, our marching orders are to go and make disciples of all nations. We are commissioned and commanded to lovingly charge hills and plant flags. We are given information to remain in formation. We see today in the toughness of our times there is a real threat of danger…physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and even relational. However, unlike many of the admonitions for the man of GOD to flee, here we are told to endure. We are to be entrenched aka planted and upright during hard times. In the midst of the volleys of fiery projectiles of the enemy, we are to hold our position for the Glory of GOD. Paul wrote this to his disciple Timothy from jail to not only give him best practices. Paul was giving him the rules of engagement. He is saying this is posture is to be assumed when taking on heavy resistance. Soldiers need to:

1)      Stay Focused/Alert/Aware – It is so easy to miss the main point during stressful situations. Good things can distract you from righteous things. Pledge allegiance to the [singular] flag, which is YHWH [JEHOVAH] NISSI – GOD our Banner. Be intentional about staying in step multiple times daily. That means pray, study and share the WORD as led appropriately and often.

2)      Aim to Be Pleasing to CHRIST – in tough times, it helps to know that JESUS is there with you. It is simultaneously comforting and a governor that keep you in line. The awareness of HIS presence can help tailor your responses to difficult situations real-time. Stay submitted. Prostrate is the position of the marksman.

3)      Operate in the Lawful Spirit of Excellence – do not cheapen Grace or your witness by taking lawless shortcuts.  We establish the law in HIS full armor with un-carnal weapons. Winning at all costs is too expensive a toll when you lose your soul in the process. Uncommon valor is rewarded with more than a medal. The reward is an incorruptible crown.

Let me know what you think. Let’s discuss…

I love YOU and I love you

Brother Jeremy A. Maynard